our favourite things to do

Dog Adventures

Adventure walks for big or small!

We'll collect your pooch in our specially designed adventure van, grab some furiends and hit one of Dunedin's stunning beaches, forests or trails! Your best friend will sniff, swim & run for just over an hour on their adventure, then have their paws polished & be dropped back home happier than ever.

$37 for one dog
+ $20 for an additional dog

*Adventures are at least 1 hour with pick up & drop off either side

Doggy Day Care

Woofers that need more than an adventure!

We work out a time that suits you, come collect your woofer in our specially designed adventure van and take them on a couple of our adventures with the pack. When they're all tired out they come back to our home to snooze & play with some other furiends on Doggy Day Care until it's time to be dropped back to your house.

$60 for one dog
+ $20 for an additional dog

*Pick up & drop offs are between 8am & 5pm

Puppy Visits

For the wee nippers in our lives!

We all know how hard it is leaving your new best friend at home, all snuggly & cute! That's why we do Puppy Visits! We drop in and check on your new addition, do some basic training and go on short leash walks until you're comfortable for them to join one of our packs and come out on some adventures.

$30 for 30 minutes
+ $15 for an additional 20 minutes

*Puppy visits are between 8am and 5pm

Pet Sitting

Want your wooFers to have the comforts of home while you're away?

Our pet sitting service is the perfect way for you to go away and know your furiend is living their best life. Snuggles, adventures & fun guaranteed.

Availability is limited, please enquire for more info.

Pet Taxi

Can't get out of work for your pooches perm?

Whether it's a trip to the groomers or a vet appointment we can help with our pet taxi. Picking your bestie up in our specially fitted out van you can be assured your pooch will arrive at their destination safely and on time!

Availability is limited, please enquire for more info.

Wedding Concierge

What's a wedding without your best furiends & family there right?

We'll make sure best furiend has scrubbed up good and proper, bring them along, let them catch the bouquet and then drop them home when you're ready.

Availability is limited, please enquire for more info.

Some questions we've been asked before

How many dogs do you take on an adventure?

We take 6 to 7 dogs. From our experience this number gives the dogs a good pack to socialise with while still being able to be kept nice and safe on our adventures.

How do you transport the dogs?

Our specially designed adventure van is kitted out with crates so you can be assured your pooch will arrive safely to and from their destination.

What if my dog is injured on a walk?

For anything urgent we'll take your dog to it's registered vet. All incidents will be reported to you straight away with anything non urgent being decided once we have discussed the situation. Your pets care is our number one priority!

My dog isn't desexed, can they come?

In most cases, yes of course, it is depending on the situation but we will do our best to work out a solution for you and your pooch.

How do we get started?

Before your pooch comes on it's first adventure we like to book a meet & greet. This is where we come to your home and meet you and your dog before they come out with us for the first time. Fill out the form below to get started and one of our team will be in touch.

Join the pack

Before your pooch comes on it's first adventure we like to book a free doggy discovery/meet & greet!

This is where we come to your place and meet you and your best furiend before they come out with us for the first time.

Please fill in as much info as you can below and one of our team will be in touch!

Thank you!
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